Question nodes

This works with the stock question nodes that ship with the extension, so it looks like this:

Feel free to modify!

/* change font color and weight */
span[data-link-title^="[[QUE]] - "] > span {
  font-weight: 500; 
  color: #99890E !important; 

/* add icon before page ref */
span[data-link-title^="[[QUE]] - "]:before {
    content: 'πŸ”Ž  ' 

/* color the QUE complex page ref */
span[data-link-title="QUE"] > span {
  font-weight: 500; 
  color: #99890E !important; 

Claim nodes

This works with the stock claim nodes that ship with the extension. Feel free to modify!

span[data-link-title^="[[CLM]]"] > span {
   color: #7DA13E; !important;
   font-weight: 500;

span[data-link-title^="[[CLM]] "]:before {
    content: '🌲 ' 

Evidence nodes

This works with the stock claim nodes that ship with the extension. Feel free to modify!

span[data-link-title^="[[EVD]] - "] > span {
   /* color: var(--cl-black) !important; */
   color: #DB134A !important;

span[data-link-title^="[[EVD]] - "]:before {
    content: '🌱  '

Source nodes

This works with the stock source nodes that ship with the extension. Feel free to modify!

span[data-link-title^="@"] > span {
   color: #9E9E9E;

span[data-link-title^="@"]:before {
    content: 'πŸ—’οΈ ' 

Last updated